Monday, July 30, 2012

rain with a chance of slugs

Over the past few days, we have experienced some scattered showers here in Borås.  With these showers have come the slugs.  Similar to the earthworms which venture out when it rains in Minnesota, these giant, succulent, dark brown slugs emerge after it rains in Sweden leaving trails of slime everywhere they travel.  I must admit, this phenomenon has taken a little getting used to.   

On a side note, Rut seems to be waging a small war with these gastropods.
  Every other night at about a quarter to nine, she goes outside with her red bucket and yellow glove.  Carefully, she combs through her garden, plucking out the slugs and tossing them in the bucket.  Thunk.  Thunk.  After making her rounds, she goes back inside where the slugs get a bath in boiling hot water.  As she would observe, what else are you going to do?  If left to their own devices, the slugs would ravage her gardens leaving her with holey plants and gnawed on veggies.

1 comment:

  1. Tell her to try putting out a lid half full of (cheap) beer--it attracts/decimates them. They sound cool, though.
