Sunday, December 2, 2012

christmas is coming

As we roll into December, it is becoming more and more apparent how quickly this term is wrapping up.  We only have three short weeks until the semester comes to a close and Christmas break commences.  School continues to go well.  I am finishing up an algebra unit with my math students this upcoming week, and started a chemistry unit in science this past week.  As these are my two favorite subjects, life is good.  Things are made even better by the fact that we finally got a dusting of snow that has stuck around.  It surely is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Here is the small snowman I left on my
colleague's desk at school after the first snowfall. 

As today marks the first day of advent, I would also like to introduce you to the new additions in my apartment.  A small collection of international Christmas cheer is accumulating on my bookshelf.  A tree, tinsel, and candy canes from the US.  A gingerbread house and candles from Sweden.  And some mince pies and Christmas pudding from England.  Things are pretty cheery here.   A few other expansions to my collection are in the works, so check back in the coming weeks if you would like to see the new developments.  

A small collection of Christmas cheer.